Every person is unique, which is why in my work, just as in life, I often prefer to adopt an integrative approach.
I’m not tied to a specific protocol but primarily rely on what is important in the present moment. The most important thing for me is that you truly feel that each session addresses significant and current issues for you, and of course, that both small and large positive changes occur.
My main allies are questions and metaphors.
I also love fairy tales and cinema, especially short films (which I sometimes use in my work). I believe that small steps toward change are as important as big ones, because "the flutter of a butterfly's wings on one continent can cause a storm on another..."

Values and approaches

I am a passionate person, and it is very important for me to have momentum in life, to maintain my curiosity about people and their stories.

The essentials:

I believe that each person already has everything they need for desired changes, all the answers to their questions, and the resources to bring them to fruition. I am simply here to illuminate those aspects and support you on the path to change.
You are the author and expert of your own life.
I appreciate the idea of separating the problem from the person, understanding that it does not define your essence. In this way, it becomes possible to rely on your true values in your choices and decisions.
The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem”(Michael White)
We look for information about resources, strengths, existing strategies, we examine the desired future in detail, and we notice even the smallest changes
We work with stories, we remember, we pay attention to details, we create new ones, and we "reconstruct" reality based on their values.
Narrative practice:
We notice and accept our emotions, thoughts, and sensations, learn to stay in touch with them, make choices in the direction of what is valuable and important, and take action.
We approach this creatively, using an unlimited number of possibilities and options, to gain unique access to patterns and experiences, making them open to understanding.
Work with images and metaphors: